Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Coming Soon! Trailer e-issue #35 May 2012
Come back at the end of May for the newest issue from your friendly neighborhood Horrorheads here at THE BLACK GLOVE. We'll have more great film, book, music, game and comic/graphic novel reviews.
There'll be all of your favorite regular articles and columns from the staff: Movies Worth Googling with Jen Orosel, Time Capsules and Bloodlines from Bill Lindblad, and their joint effort, Movie vs. Book. Also, Brian Sammons will have more Blu-Ray film reviews, Graphic Horrors Game reviews and some other surprises.
And, of course, let's not forget about our newest staff writer, Anthony Servante, who always has some great horror culture and entertainment offerings. We'll have more music reviews, including our ever-popular Horror Playlist. And, as always, look out for our new Top 13 list, which will guide any discerning Horrorhead to the best of the best in horror cinema from yesteryear to present.
So until the next issue, long live Horrorheads all around the world.
--Nickolas Cook