--Stabbed in Stanzas will feature more poetry related reviews, interviews and industry updates.
--Bloody Pages will include more book reviews from the world of horror fiction.
--MyMiserys will corner another favorite horror author for her dreaded 13 Questions.
--Celluloid Horror will have more classic and new release horror reviews on DVD and in the theaters.
--Dark Suites will feature more great music reviews.
--Another Black Glove Top 13. What will it be? Come by and see.
--More Hidden Horrors and Graphic Horrors from Brian Sammons.
--And another Double Feature Movie From Hell with Nick and Steve. What torture will we endure for you next month?
--Lisa Morton will hit us with another installment of her THE EAST IS RED column.
--And, as usual, more horror culture and entertainment news, articles and columns.
(If you're interested in writing for The Black Glove, please email Nickolasecook@aol.com and place 'writing position' in the subject line. If you have horror news you'd like us to post, send items to same address as above.)